Offices: What Have We Been Up To This Year?
There are 4 Offices that fall under the AMS President – here is a brief summary of one or two projects they have been working on this year!
If you are interested in any of these projects, we are now hiring for the 2017-2018 school year! All job descriptions are available at
Advancement Office – Director of Advancement, Caitlin McKeen
Sponsorship and fundraising grants: This includes donations and a toolkit for Clubs and Faculty societies to take advantage of. This helpful manual gives students the guidelines to start raising money for their groups and increase the amount of money they receive. It also brings a lot of traffic through the office, meaning I have gotten to know some amazing clubs and individuals!
ReUnion Street Festival 2016: This year also saw the third successful ReUnion Street Festival with the highest student and alumni attendance to date! The Festival truly is a great experience to be a part of and I am so thankful for the amazing volunteers and attendees for making the festival a success.
Human Resources Office – Director of Human Resources, Emma Jones
Implemented a paperless online boarding system: The system allows for staff to complete and sign all necessary documentation for their employment without printing a single page.
Streamlining and updating AMS Hiring and Appointment and Employment policy: This is important as all AMS hiring is now equitable as well as training and transition is now readilty available to external applicants.
Marketing and Communications Office – Director of Communications, Bianca Balazic
Market Research: Through market research in the AMS, over 14 surveys have been completed to date. These results are being used to improve student life on everything from student housing to study space on campus!
Social media and video: This year has been a pivotal year in solidifying the brand recognition and outreach of the AMS. The office has successfully worked with the ReUnion Street team to create the most viewed video to date for the festival allowing for a large number of students to attend. We have also worked with the AMS Elections team to re-brand the AMS elections. AMS Votes is now a distinguishable forest green, allowing students to identify the elections at an arms length from the AMS. A video was also released with the support of our office which helped increase voter turnout to a record high of 44.3%.
Information and Technology Office: Director of IT, Michael Judd
Improving AMS websites: The IT Office redeveloped websites for Tricolour Outlet, SMART, Queen’s Pub and the Underground, Peer Support Centre, and currently working on a new Bikes & Boards site! Check them out at: Tricolour Outlet Student Resource and Maintenance Team Queen’s Pub & The Underground Peer Support Centre
Improved the AMS job application system: This system has been successfully implemented and is being used this hiring season!