Student Choice Initiative Nullified
November 25th, 2019 – Kingston Ontario
On November 21st, 2019, the AMS learned that the Student Choice Initiative was struck down by the Divisional Court of Ontario on the basis that the provincial government did not have the statutory authority to infringe upon the autonomy of student associations.
The AMS is monitoring the situation and is in contact with student associations across the province as well as Queen’s University administration and will update our peers accordingly. The AMS remains committed to student controlled democratic principles and processes in the funding of community organizations, our services, and government. Although the damage to vital student supports, advocacy capabilities, and employment opportunities have already been felt, the AMS is hopeful that this ruling may allow us to return to the original democratic processes that Queen’s students have relied on for decades.
Although we don’t want to speculate on the provincial government’s response to this ruling, we welcome the opportunity to return control of fees back to our peers and are hopeful that we may be able to bring back some of the student jobs that were lost. We ask that all students and organizations be patient during this time as we continue to work with our partners within the province to find out more about how this ruling will impact the AMS and the student experience at Queen’s.
Please direct all media inquiries to Auston Pierce, AMS President, at or (613) 533-6000 x 32726
Alma Mater Society (AMS) – //
The central undergraduate student government at Queen’s University, the AMS represents over 18,000 students and is the oldest student government in Canada. There are over 1,000 student volunteers and 700 paid staff.