Exam Resource: 1st Year Tips

This week we’ve got a special feature from one of the AMS First Year Interns! This post will offer some advice to our first year students. Beginning your first set of university exams can be an intimidating experience, so we thought we would give some advice to try and ease your stress. Below are some links to AMS and Queens pages that can provide some great information: the best study spots, the practicalities of taking exams, and access to some great learning resources.

Best Study Spots:


Stauffer Library

Writing Your First Exam:


Exam set up

Learning Commons Resources:

Writing Tipshttp://sass.queensu.ca/writingcentre/tipsheets/

Assignment Calculator: http://www.queensu.ca/qlc/assignment-calculator

Student Academic Success Services

Understanding How to Succeed in University:


student life

Tips and tricks for getting through your exam period:

  1. Find your best study method. Everyone has a unique study system, and first year is a great opportunity to figure out the method that works best for you. Some factors to consider are:

When: do you prefer early mornings, afternoon, late at night?

Where: do you need a silent zone, background movement, no wifi access?

With who: do other people distract you or does working collaboratively help you to learn?

With what: does listening to music help you? Does is distract you? The Learning Strategies Website offers some advice about how certain types of music can actually increase your ability to focus: http://sass.queensu.ca/learningstrategies/listening-to-music-can-help-with-concentration/

  1. Take Breaks. When studying, it’s important to study smarter, not harder. Taking a break will help you regain your concentration, making the time you dedicate to studying more effective. The Learning Strategies suggests grabbing some food, going for a walk, or hitting the gym as good ways to help you refresh and revitalize your focus!
  2. Care for yourself. Just because exams are coming up, doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice your own well-being. Eating properly and getting enough sleep are important factors in maintaining a balanced lifestyle, and it is recommended that people get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep a night!
  3. Take Advantage of Your Resources. You don’t have to get through exams alone. Queens and the AMS provide many different resources to help you. Whether it’s attending your prof’s office hours to answer a question, visiting the Learning Strategies center in Stauffer Library, or visiting the Peer Support Centre to talk about your stress, there are resources available to help you.
  4. Don’t Panic. Exam period is a stressful time around campus. In the mayhem of it all, it’s easy to forget the bigger picture. We all attend Queens because we are capable students and these exams are just another hurdle we have to jump over – so stay calm, don’t panic, and remember it can all be done!

         Cha Gheill!

Student Success Program

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