Club Grants & Bursaries

The Alma Mater Society offers a variety of Clubs Grants & Bursaries to support student initiatives. Whether you’re starting a new club or seeking funding for an existing club, the AMS is here to support students in all aspects. Find below a infographic to help further understand the grant/bursary process for those done through the Clubs Commission.

Clubs Commission Grant/Bursaries Process Infographic

Clubs Commission
OPEN Now for winter

Clubs Experience Grant

The Clubs Experience Grant is intended to support and encourage a clubs event/initiative that provide a positive benefit for members of the Queen’s and/or Kingston community. Funding is available for events and initiatives that are approved by the AMS and hosted by ratified clubs with official bank accounts under the Queen’s Commission of Clubs. The maximum possible allocation that a club may receive from this grant is $4,000 in one granting period. The allocated amount for winter semester is 6500$ for all disbursements. The amount and approval of funding is contingent on the number of applications received per granting period. There are three granting periods throughout the year (Summer, Fall & Winter). The Commissioner of Clubs will release the application during the granting period only. Grants are meant to supplement, not substitute internal fundraising. Email if you have any questions.

Commission of Environmental Sustainability
APPLICATIONS are currently closed

Sustainability Action Fund

The goal of the Sustainable Action Fund (SAF) is to improve and promote sustainability at Queen’s by providing funding to relevant events and initiatives that have applied during the application period. The applicability of the fund is extremely broad and has been granted to a variety of initiatives including conferences, a greenhouse, a residence composting imitative, and a secure bike storage facility. This is an excellent opportunity to fund undergraduate projects focused on different aspects of sustainability.

If you have any questions, please contact the Commissioner of Environmental Sustainability at .

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Social Issues Commission

Accessibility Queen’s Grant

Accessibility Queen’s, a committee under the Social Issues Commission, provides grants for initiatives designed to improve physical, academic, and social accessibility for Queen’s students across campus. These grants will be awarded to initiatives that best meet the eligibility requirements as listed in the grant application. If you have any questions about these grants, email the Accessibility Queen’s co-chairs at or the Social Issues Commissioner (External) at . Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. The grant selection committee meets to review application at the end of each month. To be considered during this month’s application round, please submit your application by 4pm of the last Friday of the month.

Clubs Commission
Applications are assessed on a rolling basis. latest accepted for the 2023-2024 academic year are until april 10th 2024

Clubs Media and Promotion Bursary

The Clubs Media and Promotion Bursary is intended to provide additional engagement assistance to AMS ratified clubs. At times clubs can be experiencing low interaction, engagement, or a need to improve their outreach. This one-time per acadmic year bursary can be the assistance needed for the enhanced outreach and engagement needed for your clubs hiring, events, or other project that could use funds to support promotion costs with the SLC, QJ, or Social Media, etc. Each bursary application if approved will be distributed to a registered club bank account the amount of 20$. The applications are accepted on a rolling basis with an allocated amount of funds for the acadmic year; once the funds are depleted it will conclude the bursary for the remaining academic year. Email if you have any questions.

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Campus Affairs Commission

MyIsabel Grant

The MyIsabel Grant was created to provide groups on campus the chance to use the facilities at the Isabel Bader Centre for Performing Arts (IBCPA) without an associated cost. If you would like to have an event at the Isabel in either the lobby space or in the Concert Hall this grant can help to make the space more financially accessible for your event to run. 

To be eligible for the MyIsabel Grant, applications must demonstrate the following criteria:

  • Priority shall be given to event ideas that are innovative, likely to engage students and generally thought to enhance the quality and diversity of campus life.
  • Events that may link to the broader Kingston community may be considered.
  • Priority will be given to new events and to clubs which have not received this grant in the past.
  • Recipients shall be AMS members
  • Applicants must provide evidence of financial plans in the form of a projected budget
  • Applicants must specify any requested or received funding from AMS or non-AMS sources

For more information, contact the Campus Affairs Commissioner at .

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Social Issues Commission

Equity Grant

Equity Grants are provided through the Social Issues Commission to promote the fostering of an anti-oppressive and safe environment in the Queen’s community. These grants target organizations engaged in community outreach, educational campaigns, and awareness raising projects that meet the eligibility requirements listed in the grant application. If you have any questions about these grants, email the Social Issues Commissioner (External) at .

Clubs Commission
Application Opens Post-Fall 2024 ratification

New Clubs Grant

The New Clubs Grant is intended to provide initial assistance to newly ratified clubs. Starting a new club on campus can be overwhelming, with limited funding in the beginning. This grant is intended to support initial efforts to raise funds as well as starting operational costs. The maximum possible allocation that a club may receive from this grant is $100 in one granting period. New clubs will only be eligible to apply for this grant once. There are two granting periods throughout the year (Fall & Winter), following new club ratification. The Commissioner of Clubs will release the application during the granting period only. Email if you have any questions.

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Campus Affairs Commission
applications are assessed on a rolling basis.

Student Experience Bursary

The Commission of Campus Affairs Student Bursary Program is intended to provide support to individuals who wish to attend or participate in a sanctioned Queen’s club event and/or initiative but face financial barriers. The bursary is administered by the Commissioner of Campus Affairs, and is designed to subsidize the partial cost of attending a club event. Student Experience Bursary Program will be accepted on a rolling basis throughout the entire year. Funding will be determined based on the quality of the application, relevance of the event to the club, demonstration of financial need, and benefit to the applicant’s student experience. You will be notified through email with the result of your bursary application. The applicant must submit a report with receipts for the funds used to within thirty (30) days of using the funds.

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Social Issues Commission
Applications have now closed

Black History Month Grant

The Black History Month Grant is a new initiative through the Social Issues Commission, with matched funding provided by the University, that aims to take a step towards recognizing anti-Black racism at Queen’s. The grant hopes to provide tangible support for Black student groups on campus and for Black History Month programming and events. To be eligible, the celebration, education or advocacy around Black identities and Blackness must be at the core of the organization’s mandate, with goals to provide inclusive Black History Month programming. If you have any questions about this grant, email the Social Issues Commissioner (External) at .

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