Changes on Judicial Commitee Hiring

Please be aware that the AMS will be increasing the number of students hired for the Judicial Committee from 6 to 9. While no changes have been made for the quorum of Judicial Committee, the increase in number aims to work around the availability of JCOMM members during the school year, and address situations where conflicts of interest arise. The increased number of seats also reflects the commitment of the AMS to ensure that students from all faculty societies are allocated a seat on the Judicial Committee.

Per section 9.2.1, the AMS Judicial Committee is the highest adjudicative panel of the undergraduate student body and exercises jurisdiction over matters of Level I non-academic misconduct (as delegated by the Student Conduct Intake Office), violations of AMS policies and procedures, constitutional and policy interpretation, disputes with the Speaker of Assembly and all election appeals. The AMS Judicial branch is a unique experience not offered at any other post-secondary institution in Canada or the US. In 2023, the office celebrated its 125th anniversary of continuous student involvement in the administration of restorative justice on-campus.

Traditionally, JCOMM consists of 1 Chair and 6 members (1 Vice-Chair and 6 Members). Since 2017, the faculty society affiliations of the members have been as follows:

77% from ASUS (with 95% of students being BA)

10% from EngSoc

5% from NSS, 5% from HSS, 5% from COMSOC

None from PHEKSA, COMPSA, or CESA.

To ensure that seats on JCOMM are allocated by faculty society, the AMS will have faculty-specific job postings on our hiring platform. Should no one apply for a faculty position and/or no one is successful, applications will reopen if hiring and training schedules permit. Otherwise, or if no one is successful in the second round, seats of sibling faculty societies of ASUS will be delegated to ASUS. The next best candidate from any application pool will be hired for other faculty societies.

The Hiring panel will also change to consist of the JCOMM Chair, Secretary of Internal Affairs, and AMS President.

For more information, please direct questions to the Secretary of Internal Affairs, Sylvie Garabedian by email: .


Effective May 1 2022 our new address is (Lasalle) 146 Stuart Street, Kingston, ON K7L 2V8

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