AMS Elections Following February 13th Special Session Assembly

Friday, February 23rd, 2024 | Kingston, ON

On February 13th, 2024, the AMS held a Special Session Assembly to appoint the next AMS Executive Team. The sole team on the ballot was Team LOT, who did not receive a vote of confidence from Assembly Members. With 21 Members of Assembly voting against the team, 2 Members voting for it, and 4 Members choosing to abstain. 

We will proceed to our contingency plan wherein the requirement for a slate will be removed, and Executive positions will become available to individuals. In the absence of these criteria, an individual will be able to self-nominate and run for any one of the three executive positions (President, VP of Operations, VP of University Affairs).  

While we recognize that running as a slate promotes effective collaboration and teamwork amongst the Executive, we note that it is equally important that Assembly have complete faith in all members appointed to the new Executive. Waving the slate requirement removes one more criterion for individuals who wish to be a part of the Executive, making the process more accessible to prospective candidates. This is an exceptional measure intended to be taken only in this extraordinary circumstance. 

Moving forward, the 2024-25 AMS Executive team will be appointed by the Assembly at a Special Session occurring on February 29th at 6:00 pm in Robert Sutherland Room 202. (Official date, location, and time will be confirmed once solidified)   

How to Nominate Yourself: 

Any students wishing to nominate themselves for a member of AMS Executive (President, VP of Operations, or VP of University Affairs) to the Assembly may do so as of February 16th through to February 28th at 12 pm noon and will be required to:   

  • Fill out the nomination form linked here 
  • Submit a slideshow to the secretariat by February 28th, at 12 pm, stating their intention to run as a member of AMS Executive at the Special Assembly Session; the sideshow must include: 
  1. Their names and the positions for which they are running;  
  2. Why they want to be an AMS Executive;   
  3. What leadership experience do they have to date;  
  4. And any ideas they have at this point for the AMS.   

Slideshows can be submitted through email to the Secretariat at  

Structure of AMS Special Session Assembly:  

  • Presidential Candidates Opening Statements via slideshow presentation (3 minutes/candidate) 
  • Presidential Candidates Debate (30 minutes) 
  • Presidential Candidate Question Period (20 minutes) 
  • Presidential Candidates Closing Statements (3 minutes/candidate) 
  • Vice President of Operations Candidates Opening Statements, via slideshow presentation (3 minutes/candidate) 
  • Vice President of Operations Candidates Debate (30 minutes) 
  • Vice President of Operations Candidates Question Period (20 minutes) 
  • Vice President of Operations Candidates Closing Statements (3 minutes/candidate) 
  • 20-minute break 
  • Vice President of University Affairs Candidates Opening Statements, via slideshow presentation (3 minutes/candidate) 
  • Vice President of University Affairs Candidate Debate (30 minutes) 
  • Vice President of University Affairs Candidate Question Period (20 minutes) 
  • Vice President of University Affairs Candidates Closing Statements (3 minutes/candidate) 
  • 30-minute general question period for all candidates  
  • Assembly discussion  
  • Assembly votes via simply voting platform (15 minutes) 
  • AMS executive team announced   
  • Adjournment   

If you have any questions regarding the process, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the AMS Secretariat at  or AMS President at  

Please Direct all media inquiries to Mikayla Crawford at


Effective May 1 2022 our new address is (Lasalle) 146 Stuart Street, Kingston, ON K7L 2V8

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