corporate governance
Also known as Ancillary Fees, consist of a mixture of mandatory and optional fees assessed to all members of the Alma Mater Society. The fees are established by a dual process of validation and through campus-wide referenda administered by the Office of the AMS Secretariat. The fees are used to support a variety of essential student services, as well as student groups, clubs and other grants.
Students may opt-out of optional fees following the procedures outlined by the University Registrar’s Office. The AMS does not run the Optional Fee Opt-Out process. If you have any issues or concerns with the process, please contact the Registrar’s Office at
AMS-affiliated, full-time, undergraduate, on-campus students are assessed student ancillary fees. AMS-affiliated students are those represented by the following Faculty Society members: Arts and Science, Applied Science and Engineering, Computing, Commerce, Concurrent Education (years 1-4 only), Health Science, Nursing, and Physical & Health Education & Kinesiology students.
Students registered in 9 or more units (equivalent to 3 courses) are considered full-time and are assessed full student ancillary fees; both mandatory and optional. This assessment is done in the Fall Term. Students enrolled solely during the winter term are assessed 50% of mandatory student fees only.
AMS-affiliated part-time undergraduate on-campus students who would not normally be charged student ancillary fees may opt-in through the University Registrar if they wish to participate in and have access to undergraduate student government activities, jobs and services and the AMS Health and Dental plans. Please select the Self Enrolment button above to learn about and complete the Self Enrolment process.
Students 65 years or older, those not AMS-affiliated, and those registered exclusively in certificate programs, correspondence, off-campus or evening courses (including students registered in the undergraduate online career), are exempt from this process and are not able to opt-in.
Students who formally complete their degree program or withdraw from the University must submit their student card to the Office of the University Registrar, Gordon Hall, Room 125 in order to obtain a refund of student ancillary fees.
Fee refunds, in accordance with University Policy can be viewed here:
If you are a member of the Alma Mater Society, you cannot opt-out from the mandatory fees. Students may opt-out of optional fees following the procedures outlined by the University Registrar’s Office. The AMS does not run the Optional Fee Opt-Out process. If you have any issues or concerns with the process, please contact the Registrar’s Office at .
Link to opt-out:
Queen’s University Board of Trustees has established a Queen’s University Ancillary Fee Protocol. Under this protocol, the Alma Mater Society can establish a process to assess members a variety of fees. The current process is governed by the Student Activity Fee Policy, governed by the AMS Board of Directors and has a two stages: First, the validation stage, in which groups wishing to assess students fees, must establish that they meet the eligibility criteria. Groups are also asked to submit a budget to demonstrate eligibility and need. The Student Activity Fee Review Committee reviews all submissions and makes final decisions about approvals if it is satisfied that groups have demonstrated eligibility. If approved, groups then must participate in the referenda process. A referendum is a question asked via secret ballot to ALL members of the AMS. All students get one vote, and have the final say on whether a group can assess fees. All fees must go through a formal ballot procedure every three years.
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Any student wishing to opt-out of an Optional AMS or Faculty-Specific Fee—or from the AMS Health and Dental Plans—may do so once a year during the Change of Coverage period from September 3rd – 29th, 2024. Please note: opting-out of the AMS Health and Dental Plans requires proof of equivalent coverage by another plan.
Student Activity Fees are ancillary fees assessed to members of the Alma Mater Society. They are established by a campus-wide referendum in which all students get to vote to establish, increase or continue a fee. All groups, except those exempt by the AMS Board of Directors, are required to participate in the referendum every three years.
Fall Deadline: September 20, 2024 at 12:00 PM
Winter Deadline: November 29, 2024 at 12:00 PM
Before you begin, please take some time to read the Validation Package and Student Activity Fee Policy. It is your responsibility to become familiar with both documents, and to ensure that you demonstrate eligibility during the validation stage, and for the duration of the time you receive a fee.
Questions? Please contact the Chief Electoral Officer () or AMS Secretariat ()
Once you have read through the policy and package, please complete a validation form and budget, which are available here: 01 – Validation (SAF).
Please note that it is YOUR responsibility to demonstrate eligibility and compliance with the Student Activity Fee Policy. If there is anything that you feel the committee should be aware of, please bring it to their attention in your validation submission.
Once the PDF form and budget is complete, please complete Student Activity Fees – Formstack to submit the documents.
Once all material is submitted, the Student Activity Fee Review Committee will meet to discuss your application and make a decision on whether your application demonstrates eligibility. In the decision letter, you will be informed of the following:
Please note that decisions of the SAF Review Committee are final and not subject to appeal.
SAF Review Committee Composition
Questions? Please contact the AMS Secretariat () or the AMS Chair of the Board ()
Once you receive a decision, be sure to review the decision letter in detail, and complete any conditional items of approval.
Please visit to learn more about the referendum process.
Once the referendum is complete, the AMS Elections Team will announce the results of the referenda and whether your group has passed the referendum.
Fee Passed:
If your fee has passed, you will be added to the AMS Fee Slate for the September immediately following the referendum cycle in which it was approved ex. if you passed the Fall 2024 or Winter 2025 referendum, you will be added on the Fall 2025 fee slate. You will begin to receive fees after your fee was added to the fee slate, and the Queen’s University Board of Trustees approves the fee slate.
Fee Failed
If your fee has failed the referendum, you may NOT participate in the referendum immediately following the one in which your fee failed. If you have concerns about funding, please contact the AMS President at .
Each year that your fee is collected, you will receive the majority of the funds by November/December of the year; and the remainder in March/April. Please keep the following in mind:
Eligibility: You must continue to remain eligible for receiving your student fees. If there is anything that may potentially impact your eligibility, please contact for support as soon as you become aware of this.
Budget Records : Make sure to keep a record of your actual spending at the end of each fiscal year (April 30th). The next time you participate in the referendum process, you will be asked about your spending and actual dollar values. You can download a copy of the budget template you used for the validation process to keep your records.
Audits: Every year, a number of groups and fees are selected to undergo an audit. If you are selected for an audit, follow the directions provided to you at the time!
Update Your Information: It is your responsibility to keep the AMS updated with your banking information, contact addressed. If your group name changes, you may use Student Activity Fees – Formstack to let the Secretariat know.
Suspend Your Fee or Decrease Your Fee: As a part of your eligibility, you are required to spend the majority of the fees received for the reasons you intended at the time you made your application. If you have concerns about being able to spend your fee, you can contact the AMS Secretariat () for more guidance and support. Groups may decrease the value of their fee at their own discretion.
The Secretariat is the Chair of the Student Activity Fee Review Committee, and ensures that groups receiving a student fee comply with the SAF Policy. The Secretariat should be the first point of contact for any non-validation related questions or questions about audits.
The AMS President is a member of the SAF Review Committee, and is responsible for the reallocation of funds in accordance with the SAF Policy if deemed necessary by the Committee. Contact the AMS President for any general questions or concerns.
The Chairperson of the AMS Board of Directors is a member of the SAF Review Committee, and monitors the AMS for compliance with the SAF Committee. Contact the Chairperson of the Board if you have any concerns about the AMS’s compliance with the SAF Policy.
The Chief Electoral Officer provides administrative support for the SAF Review Committee, and acts as a resources for all groups undergoing the Validation process. Contact the CEO if you have any questions about how to fill out the validation forms, or budget.