The Secretariat facilitates the governance operation, rules and policies of the AMS as they guide the direction of the society. The Secretariat oversees all matters concerning AMS Assembly, elections and referenda. The Secretariat Office is managed by the Secretary of Internal Affairs.
The Secretary of Internal Affairs is the manager of the Secretariat and the coordinator of Internal Affairs. They are responsible for overseeing Assembly, Elections, and Judicial Affairs. Additionally they are in charge of keeping policy updated and clear. They are a member of senior management and work with the AMS president to ensure that the AMS is practicing good governance.
The Board of Directors oversees all corporate and employee policies. Policies are monitored regularly by the Board’s subcommittees and revisions are approved by the entire Board as they are made.
The AMS Assembly also presides over the Society policy documents and has full power, within the confines of the AMS Constitution, to create, alter and/or terminate any policy documents; and to deal with any reports, recommendations and/or conclusions of any groups, committees and organizations which fall within its purview. Every modification to policies or the AMS Constitution requires two majority votes at two successive AMS Assemblies. In effect, the Assembly acts as the legislative branch of the Queen’s undergraduate student government. The AMS Assembly has authority over the following Society governance documents:
This policy generally applies to the personnel, members, committees and other governance bodies administered by the Internal Affairs Office of the Alma Mater Society, and ultimately accountable to the AMS Assembly. Issues that affect the corporation will be dealt with by the Board of Directors.
This policy applies to all awards which are named and included in this policy. This policy covers the entire process and procedures of awards selection, including formation of Committees, terms of reference, information retention, announcement, delivery of grants and bursaries, and designations. This policy works in tandem with the Appointment Policy of the Society, which governs appointments of the Selection Committees and manages conflicts of interest.
The AMS Constitution is the primary governing document of the Society. It contains both the AMS mission and operating statements and broadly delineates the fundamental principles by which the Society is governed. Any part, section, subsection or paragraph of the constitution may only be amended following two readings held at two separate regular meetings of the Assembly.
Assembly Policy governs the rules, procedures and makeup of AMS Assembly. Along with outlining the roles of the speaker, scribe, and Secretary of Internal Affairs.
Clubs policy is the governing document for all AMS ratified Clubs. It outlines procedures for grants, new clubs, awards, and more.
Elections Policy governs all AMS elections and is used to ensure a fair and transparent elections process. This policy supersedes faculty society elections policies in cases where Faculty Societies have no policy.
This policy applies to all grants and bursaries which are named and included in this policy. This policy covers the entire process and procedures of grants and bursaries selection, including formation of Committees, terms of reference, information retention, announcement, delivery of grants and bursaries, and designations. This policy works in tandem with the Appointment Policy of the Society to manage conflicts of interests that may arise from time to time.
This policy is currently under review, please check News Page for updates.
This policy defines students eligible for remuneration as those who are a current Queen’s University undergraduate students and who do not hold an elected role within Student Government or otherwise within the University that would mandate their involvement with AMS professional work fall within the purview of another position.
The AMS, in representing all members, must recognize the contributions based on the lived experiences of students from historically marginalized populations that have bettered the purview of the AMS. It is important to recognize the emotional labour that goes into advocating for meaningful progress within the AMS
Rector Elections Policy governs the election of the Rector. This purpose of this policy is to provide additional clarity and rules, as the Rector is elected by both the AMS and SGPS.
AMS principals & positions outlines the stances held by the AMS on different student facing topics.
Procedures policy governs the different awards that the AMS offers and the procedures surrounding new conferences.
The affairs of the Alma Mater Society of Queen’s University Inc., incorporated under the Corporations Act of Ontario, are governed by the By-Laws of the Alma Mater Society of Queen’s University, which may be amended by the Board, subject to approval at the Corporate Annual General Meeting (in March-April) or a Corporate Special Meeting (in November-December). The voting members of Assembly are also defined as the voting members of the corporation, and thus act as voting “shareholders” of the corporation at the two annual corporate meetings.
Questions about the Corporate Policies can be directed to the chair of the Board of Directors at
The AMS by-laws govern the affairs of Corporation incorporated under the Corporations Act of Ontario and the Canada Corporations Act.
The AMS Board of Directors Policy Manual contains the policies, guidelines and procedures that pertain to the operations of the AMS Board of Directors and to the AMS corporate services and financial activity that the Board oversees pursuant to fulfilling its role and obligations.
The purpose of this policy is to provide clear policy and procedures for the establishment, collection, administration, maintenance, and distribution of Student Activity Fees within the jurisdiction of the AMS.
This Policy is intended to apply to all positions offered by the Alma Mater Society of Queen’s University (AMS), including but not limited to, full-time and part-time paid positions either hourly waged, salaried, or commissioned, as well as volunteers. The purpose of this Policy is to be a proactive measure in ensuring equitable and fair hiring throughout the AMS.
This Policy and Program is intended to:
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all volunteers within the AMS have a consistent and
accessible reference document to consult regarding conditions of their volunteer term. This policy outlines the relationship between the volunteer and the AMS throughout the duration of the volunteer’s term.
This document seeks to define the value of AMS volunteers and provide a single place for AMS participants to go for guidance on the treatment of volunteers once they have been hired.
This policy applies to all AMS Staff including executives, officers, directors, commissioners, employees, and volunteers, as well as permanent staff and contractors. All Information Assets created by these individuals are Information Assets and the intellectual property of the AMS.
This policy covers all information and records in all digital formats and on paper.