Hiring is open now!

Eligibility Requirements

The following principles guide our hiring practices within the AMS:

  • We seek to attract student applicants who possess the attributes necessary for them to perform the work at a high standard of competency and efficiency.
  • We seek to recruit and hire students from all member faculties.
  • We seek to offer opportunities to as many students as possible, without compromising the general welfare of AMS operations. If two or more applicants are evaluated equally, the position will be granted to the candidate(s) with less direct AMS work experience.

    Eligibility for opportunities within the AMS, paid or volunteer, require the following:

    • Candidates must be an AMS Member at the time of applying and for the duration of their position.
    • Candidates must be in good academic standing as defined by their program.
    • Candidates must be in a minimum 60% of a full course load as defined by their program for most positions.
    • Candidates seeking full-time managerial positions, must be enrolled in a minimum of 3.0 units and a maximum of 9.0 units in each semester they hold the position.
    • Candidates must be legally able to work in Canada.
    Get Involved

    Get Involved

    Are you looking to get involved? Working and volunteering in the AMS will give you the opportunity to build relationships with students across all years and faculties. You will also contribute to making a lasting impact on the Queen’s and Kingston community.

    The AMS offers a wealth of opportunities to get involved in. The types of opportunities include the following:

    • Volunteer
    • Volunteer (Honorarium)
    • Part-time hourly
    • Part-time salaried
    • Full-time salaried

    These positions fall within the government and the corporate caucuses of the AMS. Explore what opportunities are available within the various AMS offices, commissions and services!

    Plenty of Opportunities