
Our Policies

Government Policies

The AMS Assembly also presides over the Society policy documents and has full power, within the confines of the AMS Constitution, to create, alter and/or terminate any policy documents; and to deal with any reports, recommendations and/or conclusions of any groups, committees and organizations which fall within its purview. Every modification to policies or the AMS Constitution requires two majority votes at two successive AMS Assemblies. In effect, the Assembly acts as the legislative branch of the Queen’s undergraduate student government. The AMS Assembly has authority over the following Society governance documents:
AMS Constitution | The AMS Constitution is the primary governing document of the Society. It contains both the AMS mission and operating statements and broadly delineates the fundamental principles by which the Society is governed. Any part, section, subsection or paragraph of the constitution may only be amended following two readings held at two separate regular meetings of the Assembly.

Assembly Policy | Assembly Policy governs the rules, procedures and makeup of AMS Assembly. Along with outlining the roles of the speaker, scribe, and Secretary of Internal Affairs.

Clubs Policy | Clubs policy is the governing document for all AMS ratified Clubs. It outlines procedures for grants, new clubs, awards, and more.

Elections and Referenda Policy | Elections and Referenda Policy governs all AMS elections and is used to ensure a fair and transparent elections process. This policy supersedes faculty society elections policies in cases where Faculty Societies have no policy.

Rector Elections Policy | Rector Elections Policy governs the election of the Rector. This purpose of this policy is to provide additional clarity and rules, as the Rector is elected by both the AMS and SGPS.

NAM Policy and Procedures | Outlines the scope, processes, and sanctioning that is used in AMS Non-Academic Misconduct. The AMS uses this policy to operate the Judicial Affairs Office and handles level 1 Student Code of Conduct Violations.

PIP Policy and Procedures | Outlines the scope, processes, and sanctioning that is used in AMS Policy Infringement Protocol. The AMS uses this policy to operate the Judicial Affairs Office and handles violations of AMS, and Faculty Society policy.

Principles and Positions | AMS principals & positions outlines the stances held by the AMS on different student facing topics.

Procedures Policy | Procedures policy governs the different awards that the AMS offers and the procedures surrounding new conferences.

Corporate Policies

The affairs of the Alma Mater Society of Queen’s University Inc., incorporated under the Corporations Act of Ontario, are governed by the By-Laws of the Alma Mater Society of Queen’s University. The By-Laws may be amended at any single meeting of the Board of Directors and any such amendment shall take effect immediately. However, all such amendments shall cease to take effect unless confirmed at the next Corporation Special General meeting (usually in late October or early November) or Corporation Annual meeting (usually held in mid-March). The By-Laws may also be amended at either of these meetings. The voting members of Assembly are also defined as the voting members of the corporation, and thus act as voting “shareholders” of the corporation at the two annual corporate meetings.

The Board of Directors also administers its own policy manual. Included in this document are Board operating procedures, AMS corporate service-specific policies, accounting and finance policies, and basic corporate philosophy. The Board may amend this document at any one of its meetings.

The Board of Directors has authority over the following governance documents:

  • AMS Inc. By-Laws
  • AMS Board of Directors Policy Manual
  • Student Activity Fee Policy
  • Hiring and Appointment Policy
  • AMS Employee Policy
  • Harassment Discrimination and Violence in the Workplace Policy and Program (HDV)
  • Information Technology Policy
  • AMS Volunteer Policy and Procedures Manual
  • Investment Policy Statement

The Secretariat facilitates the governance operation, rules and policies of the AMS as they guide the direction of the society. The Secretariat oversees all matters concerning AMS Assembly, elections and referenda. The Secretariat Office is managed by the Secretary of Internal Affairs.

The Secretary of Internal Affairs is the manager of the Secretariat and the coordinator of Internal Affairs. They are responsible for overseeing Assembly, the AMS Board of Directors, Elections, and Judicial Affairs. Additionally they are in charge of keeping policy updated and clear. They are a member of senior management and work with the AMS president to ensure that the AMS is practicing good governance.



Assembly is the highest legislative body of the AMS and includes representatives from all constituent faculty societies and AMS Senior Management.

The Assembly Scribe collaborates with the Secretary of Internal Affairs and the Assembly Speaker to produce a set of comprehensive minutes of each Assembly meeting, keeping in mind the deadline to publish the minutes is 5 business days following each meeting. This position is paid per hour.

The Assembly Speaker is the chair of assembly meetings who works with the Secretary of Internal affairs to ensure that assembly is following rules of order. This is a volunteer position.

Assembly Composition

The AMS Speaker chairs AMS Assembly. The Speaker is responsible for facilitating and mediating discussion and debate.

The AMS Secretariat plans Assembly and ensures that processes are in accordance with policy. The Secretariat creates biweekly Assembly agendas and releases the minutes within five business days of each meeting.

Any AMS member-at-large can attend Assembly, however voting rights are only given to members-at-large at the Annual General Meeting. All positions below that do not have voting rights are marked by an asterisk.

Arts & Science Undergraduate Society (ASUS)
  • President
  • Vice President (Operations)
  • Vice President (Student Affairs)
  • 4 representatives
Engineering Society (EngSoc)
  • President
  • Vice President (Student Affairs)
  • 4th year representative
  • 3rd year representative
  • 2nd year representative
  • 1st year representative
Commerce Society (ComSoc)
  • President
  • Vice President (Internal)
  • Vice President (External)
  • Upper Year Representative
  • Lower Year Representative

Computing Students’ Association (COMPSA)
  • President
  • Vice President (University Affairs)
  • Vice President (Operations)
Health Sciences Society
  • President
  • Vice President (Operations)

Agendas and Minutes

AMS Assembly agendas and minutes provide insight into the decision-making body that helps dictate policy and advocacy routes and decisions. These minutes help keep us accountable to the student body by providing transparency on all matters of discussion. If you are passionate about student advocacy, we urge you to get involved with AMS Assembly to have your voice heard.


Board of Directors

The Board of Directors of The Alma Mater Society of Queen’s University Inc. is comprised of six student directors, three non-student directors, and the three members of the AMS Executive. In addition to these twelve voting members, the AMS General Manager sits on the board but do not have a vote. The Chair and Vice Chair of the Board are elected by the voting members of the Board at an organizational meeting that occurs annually. The Chair of the Board sits on AMS Assembly in an ex-officio capacity and serves as a liaison between the corporation’s Board and its shareholders. The Chair of the Board can be reached at .

What does the Board of Directors do?
The Board of Directors fulfills three distinct roles within the organization of the Alma Mater Society; strategic guidance, financial accountability, and human resources support. In the strategic guidance role, the Board provides oversight of the business planning process, ensuring that the organization is adhering to its long-term business and financial objectives. The financial role of the Board is fulfilled by monitoring the fiscal management of the Society and ensuring its sustained financial viability. To this end, the Board approves all corporate and office budgets as well as capital expenditures. Finally, the role of the Board concerning human resources is derived from the board’s exclusive jurisdiction over all AMS policy concerning personnel that receive remuneration for the involvement with the Society.
When does the Board of Directors form?

The Board of Directors is elected annually by the members of the corporation (incoming and outgoing members of AMS Assembly) at the Corporate General Meeting in Spring. Those interested in applying to run for a position on the Board are encouraged to contact the Chair at 

Where does the Board of Directors meet?

The Board of Directors generally meet in the Queen’s Centre or Lasalle. However, the meetings are closed and AMS Members cannot attend regular meetings of the Board. They can attend the Corporate Special General Meeting in the Fall semester, and Corporate General Meeting in the Winter semester. 

Why is there a Board of Directors?

The Alma Mater Society of Queen’s University Inc. is a not-for-profit entity created by the Society for the purpose of ensuring its continuing financial viability by overseeing the management of its services and associated financial affairs. The Corporation is bound to its by-laws and its corporate philosophy is derivative of the Mission and Operating statements of the Society as set out in the AMS Constitution. As such, the AMS is required to have a Board of Directors to guide the strategic direction and long-term viability of the corporation.



Interested in running in an AMS election or having your club or community group establish a fee through referendum? Check out this Elections for all the information you need!

What are AMS Elections? 

AMS members can vote and run for the positions of AMS Executive (a team of three – consisting of a candidate for President, VP Operations and VP University Affairs), the University Rector, or Undergraduate Trustee! Members also have the opportunity to vote in Faculty Society elections as well.

AMS Elections also facilitates the Referendum process with the establishment of student fees for different clubs and campus groups, as well as the Triennial Review process to extend the fees that appear on SOLUS. There are two periods during which the referendum occurs: November and February.

Elections and Referenda are a great way to get involved and guide the direction of your student government. Whether you want to run for a position or cast a vote, every AMS student has the right to participate and the ability to make a difference. You will see a ballot arrive in your mailbox in late November and then February!

The elections for AMS Executive and University Rector will be taking place in February 2024. Regular referendums happen in November and February.

How to Vote and FAQ

I didn’t get an email to vote. What should I do?
If you didn’t get an email, go directly to
SimplyVoting does not show that I am registered to vote in any elections.
Please ensure that you have paid all the AMS and Faculty Society membership fees, as well as are not on internship or at the BISC to be eligible to vote.
I have paid my fees and am not on internship or at the BISC, but I still cannot see the vote.
Email and we can figure out a solution!
How can I learn more about this process? is a great resource to learn more about AMS-specific elections and referenda, as well as our elections and referenda policy and procedure manual.
Is SimplyVoting safe and secure?

Yes! Using a third-party voting source makes it safe and reliable for the 20,000+ undergraduate students voting. If you want to learn more, head over to

How can my group get a fee added to the ballot?

The next period to submit a request for a fee is December 12th, 2023. Forms can be found on

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